How to Engage Your Workforce

17 February, 2020

Any employer knows the value of engaged employees. In fact, research by Dale Carnegie shows that companies with engaged employees outperform their non-engaged counterparts by 202%, yet 45% of the workforce is disengaged. Efficient, productive workforces come down to engaged employees, so how can you ensure your employees stay at the top of their game? Here are some of our tips to improve workplace engagement and performance.

1. Make work meaningful

No matter how much an employee likes their work, there are going to be days, weeks or months where they simply tire of it. 40 hours a week comes to about 80,000 hours over a career, if employees don’t find their work meaningful or important, it can quickly become something they don’t enjoy and disengage from. Take time to share with your team your company’s mission, your values, what you’re collectively working towards and why each individual employee is part of that vision. 

2. Offer opportunities to learn

In an ever-changing workforce, it is not only important for the employer to have employees who are up to date with the latest technologies, research and practices in their field, but it is important for the employee also to feel like they are relevant, capable and valued when their employer invests in them.

3. Instill independence

While every employee thrives under different work environments, many employees do not perform well when they are micro-managed or constantly checked in on. Giving your employees more space can make them feel empowered to take charge and support their responsibilities on their own, knowing they have your support. Offering employees a sense of responsibility will result in heightened productivity and engagement.

4. Implement tools for collaboration

Collaboration and ease of communication are extremely powerful when it comes to creating more efficient, engaged workforces. Tools such as Slack are great for collaboration and conversation, allowing colleagues to easily share ideas, ask questions and access files. Basecamp and Trello are both project management tools that increase the flow and productivity of projects, requiring less time in meetings. Smart tools such as these allow your team to work collaboratively and fluidly, spending less time on long back-and-forth email chains. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting for information from another colleague before being able to move forward with a project or task, and collaboration tools reduce this wait time and the disengagement that comes with it. 

5. Incorporate technology

Company meetings are frequently responsible for wasted time and resources, but they can also be a real drag for employees, who feel like they are losing time that could be spent getting their tasks done. Building technology into meetings can boost engagement and result in greater outcomes being achieved in that meeting. Try using visual presentations, videos or gifs to keep employees’ attention. You can also incorporate live stream for any remote employees or use digital poll tools to allow employees to quickly and easily engage in the conversation.

6. Create opportunities for growth

If an employee feels stuck or stagnant in their role, they are likely going to feel unmotivated to perform. It’s important for leaders to work with their employees to map out clear career plans and growth paths, including key milestones and goals.

7. Make their life easier

Slow, out-dated systems are frustrating and time-consuming for both managers and employees. There are many smart technologies available that revolutionise the workplace, giving employees tools to work smarter and more efficiently. Time and attendance management systems can increase the efficiency of your workplace significantly, with the ability to automate timesheets and payroll and create rosters easily and accurately.